Welcome to Our Growing Witness Trees Forest!

This tree, planted circa 1850, can be found at the intersection of two county roads in western Iowa, and became the album cover captured by Roger Feldhans. There are trees on this planet that are thousands of years old. That idea inspired the concept for the song "Witness Trees": what have these trees witnessed of human behavior throughout the ages. -David, Blue Grass, IA


                                                                     Cell Tower Tree! Can you hear me now! -Doug, Pueblo, CO

  My husband planted this Maple tree several years before he passed away. He was able to see the leaves turn a beautiful color before he died. -Carlyn, Edgwood, IA

Eagles in tree across from our house acted as a sentry over us. They have moved on in the years since but they served as our reassuring witness tree in our first years here. -Pat, Cape Coral, FL

Wood & Fire: Hands Across The Horizon. James T. Eldridge, IA

My witness tree is this beautiful dogwood (perfectly placed) in front of my kitchen window...Leaves are green in the summer, white in the spring and multi-colored in the fall. -Jude, Nashville, TN

This tree is an American Elm found in the front yard of the first home I have purchased. I didn’t buy a home until 52 due mostly to student loan debt and having a tree that survived Dutch Elm disease in my yard is a sign of survivorship.  I was from Alaska but I live in Davenport now. Jennifer, Alaska

Charles “Chuck” was a sapling drowning in a sea of huge trees in our backyard. Cleared a lot of area 3 years ago. He’s seen farewells to 2 beloved canine family members and the addition of a cabin. He’s grown as we have. Lucy, Athol, Idaho

Our granddaughter, Elizabeth, died 21 years ago due to SIDS at the age of 4 months. We wanted to do something to remember her. So we planted this oak tree in the yard, and now we are reminded of Elizabeth every time we go outside. Dick, Taylor Ridge, Illinois